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Walney School

Wave 1 provision Quality First Teaching

Sensory & Physical


·       Coloured overlays/ different coloured paper

·       Consider lighting – natural and artificial

·       Eliminate inessential copying from the board

·       Where copying is required, ensure appropriate print size photocopy is available

·       Read aloud as you write on the board

·       Avoid standing in front of windows – your face becomes difficult to see

·       Consider seating – sat at the front closer to board/resources


·       Careful seating – closest to the teacher

·       Keep background noise to a minimum – i

·       Allow more thinking time

·       Repeat contributions from other children – their voices may be softer and speech more unclear

·       Check that oral instructions have been understood

·       Face the pupil when speaking & keep hands away from mouth


·       Sat at table where there is sufficient space

·       LH & RH pupils not next to each other with adjacent hands

·       Seated with minimal distractions.

·       Encourage oral presentations or use of ICT as an alternative to written work where appropriate.

·       Lined paper with sufficient wide spaces between lines to accommodate pupil’s handwriting.                                                   

Social, Emotional Mental Health

·       Emphasise positives in front of others to develop children’s self-confidence

·       Give pupils classroom responsibilities

·       Refer regularly to school/classroom rules

·       Calming music

·       Team around the child approach

·       Use of ear defenders to support focus

·       Breaks between tasks

·       Moving around/sensory breaks

·       Interactive strategies eg. Whiteboards to hold up answers

·       Clear behaviour expectations modelled by staff

·       Quiet place

·       Visual timer/stop watch

·       Use post-its for questions rather than interruptions

·       ‘Fiddle’ toys

·       Concrete resources easily at hand to support

·       Give a ‘set time’ for written work

·       Personalise teaching to reflect pupils’ interests

·       Transition from whole class work to independent is taught and actively managed                                                                        

·       Reward system for older pupils

·       Learning ladders to break down steps

·       Resistance bands to support sitting in chairs or on carpet spot

·       Meet and greet at key transition points e.g. start of day, lunchtime

Cognition & Learning

·       Differentiated curriculum – planning, learning, resources, scaffolding etc.

·       Pre-teaching of subject vocab

·       Teaching sequencing as a skill

·       Text presented clearly – bullet points, clear font, headings

·       Pupils encouraged to explain what they have to do - check understanding

·       Links to prior learning explicitly made /retrieval practice integrated into lessons

·       Key learning points reviewed throughout lesson

·       Conceptual variation in Maths

·       Alternative ways of demonstrating understanding eg. Diagrams, mind maps, use of voice recorders                                        

·       Provide a range of writing frames

·       Word mats designed for specific subjects/lessons

·       Opportunities to work with a scribe or use ICT when necessary

·       Use of ICT/apps to reinforce what has been taught

·       Use of ICT/apps as solution to difficulties e.g. dictation, typing

·       Coloured overlays, coloured paper for worksheets & coloured background on SMART board

·       Extra time to complete tasks

·       Learning ladders to break down steps

·       Tactile resources e.g. lego phonics

·       Dual coding devices

Communication & Interaction

·       Structured class routines

·       Increased visual aids including dual coding

·       Visual timetables at eye level of children

·       Use of key words/vocabulary emphasised when speaking

·       Multi-sensory approaches used to support spoken language eg. Symbols/pictures/concrete apparatus/artefacts/role-play

·       Instructions in manageable chunks

·       Checklists and task lists

·       Delivery slowed down with time given for processing

·       Prompt cards used to support understanding

·       Talking partners used

·       Classroom seating plan considered so children can see teacher and visual prompts

·       Access to a quiet work station

·       ‘Word walls’/displays to develop understanding of new vocab

·       Minimise use of abstract language/language tailored to individuals

·       Eye contact as necessary for the child